Friday, December 28, 2018

Day 3 Specials! Blue!! Also some really good deals on Halloween papers and stamp/thin cut sets! I can't get these at this price!! Don't miss out!! 
To add to the Boxing Sale: When you order online, be sure to click on the party "Boxing Sale" before submitting your order. This will help to get some items for the sale table or giveaways!! I should have done this 2 days ago!!!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

I haven't been on here in so long I almost cried when I saw that I haven't posted anything since July of this year!  Time to get back to it!  So, Close to my Heart is having an amazing Boxing Sale this week!  Today is Day 2 of the sale.  This will last for 4 more days!  I got some great items yesterday and today they have my favorite color...PURPLE!!  

Here is my Facebook Post about the sale:  Day 2 of the Boxing Sale at CTMH! I got into trouble yesterday and now today they have shades of purple!! Getting my debit card back out! They also have every individual alphabet stamp on sale for just $4.97!! If you didn't get these before, now is the time!! Don't miss it! Even if you don't want the whole set, get the letters you will use! 

Simply go to  Click on Promotions and then click on  
Boxing Sale.  Orders will be sent directly to you!  Happy Shopping!!

Welcome back! If you haven't been here in a while, neither have I! It's been a crazy, busy year. I was a Close to my Heart consultan...