Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Studio J®: Step-by-Step Basics

I decided to spend some time on the consultant page of Close to my Heart today.  Looking at all of my options, I decided to explore the information about Studio J.  I love Studio J and most of the time I do not have access to the internet when we have gatherings so it is hard to share the steps of using this wonderful tool!  So, on the consultant page, I ran across several videos, which can also be found on YouTube and am going to share them on here.  I will post a new video (trying for daily) until I have posted all that are available.  Once you try Studio J, I believe you will fall in love with it too!  It is easy to use and reasonably priced.  The other great thing is that when you go to check out, you will be able to see if anyone is hosting a party around that time and if you click on their gathering, you will be helping them earn credit for free and discounted products!  You can simply click on the Studio J icon on the right side of this blog and get started!  In the video it mentions being a member.  We no longer have is free to everyone!  Go on and start an account, upload some photos, play around with it and see what you think!  If you like what you see, you only pay for what you order.  Enjoy!

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Welcome back! If you haven't been here in a while, neither have I! It's been a crazy, busy year. I was a Close to my Heart consultan...