Wednesday, January 21, 2015

On the back of the Seasonal Expressions book, there is an adorable stamp set called "You're the Bomb". When you purchase this stamp set for $13.95 anytime before March 31, 2015, Close to my Heart will donate $3.00 of the proceeds to Operation Smile. Operation Smile was founded in 1982 and has performed over 220,000 surgical procedures to correct facial deformities on children. Help in reaching the goal of sending enough money to Operation Smile to cover corrective surgery for at least one child this year. If everyone bought just one stamp set, we would be well on our way. You can also donate by rounding up your total to an even dollar amount. Every penny counts! I challenge you to help a child this year through Operation Smile! To order, simply go to the Shop with Me icon and enter item #C1617.

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Welcome back! If you haven't been here in a while, neither have I! It's been a crazy, busy year. I was a Close to my Heart consultan...