We use to take pictures with cameras that used, maybe 24 exposure film. We were more cautious with our photography due to the expense of developing the film and not knowing what the photos were really going to look like. I use to send disposable cameras to camp with my kids. When I developed the film, the pictures would be blurry, dark, half of someone's head, the wall of the tent, the grass and who knows what else would print out! Now we use digital cameras and might take 600 pictures at one birthday party! We take the pictures and upload them on our computers, edit them and save them in a file to deal with later. I have thousands of photos on my computer. I have so many pictures that I actually have 2 external hard drives to store and save all of them. Thank goodness Close to my Heart came up with Studio J! I can now digitally scrapbook my photos with clearness and excellent quality! About 3 weeks ago, I uploaded over 500 photos to Studio J and within a couple of hours, if even that, I had 18 2-page layouts completely done and ordered! When they came in the mail, I too them out, put them in page protectors and placed them directly into an album! Done! If you have been looking for a quick and easy way to get those photos off of your computer and into your albums, please take the time to check out Studio J! It's well worth it! Simply click on the Studio J icon to the right and begin your digital scrapbooking journey!
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