Monday, June 8, 2020

Monochromatic Card

I go for months without posting anything on here and then several posts within days!  I'm just not a consistent person with all of the technology available to me.  Once I get into the habit of using a certain technology tool, I'm usually pretty good about staying caught up with it.  So I guess I should get into the habit of posting on here!  It has taken all day for the next videos to upload.  I have 2 more to work on tonight and then I will be caught up with the ones that I want to do.  I am in a card swap with a group that would meet once a month.  We were able to meet mid-March of this year and then everything in Iowa started closing so we have not been able to get together since.  I began doing Facebook Live crops for them in April and showing the card technique for the next month.  Since we were not being held accountable to have our cards ready each month, many of us fell behind, including me.  I had to try to remember which technique I taught each month so I could get them done and remind others.  I decided to make these videos as a tutorial for them to refer to, but I know I am often online looking for ideas and decided to share mine with others as well.  Please enjoy the videos.  Feel free to offer any constructive criticism along the way so I can get better in helping others learn these techniques!  Be sure to follow me on here and you can also follow me on Youtube!  Thank you for watching!
(Still having issues today with uploading videos!  Click on the link below and it will take you to the Youtube video I made on monochromatic cards.)

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Welcome back! If you haven't been here in a while, neither have I! It's been a crazy, busy year. I was a Close to my Heart consultan...